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5 Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a well-known tool for helping those with alcohol and substance use disorders. CBT has many benefits, including the fact that it is a short-term approach to therapy. To learn more about cognitive-behavioral therapy in Nebraska, call Northpoint Omaha at 888.687.8014.

What Is CBT?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the present, not the past. CBT patients can learn how to recognize the unhelpful thought patterns that lead to unhealthy behavior and replace them with positive thoughts and behaviors. CBT sessions last 30 to 60 minutes. Patients may attend between five and 20 sessions before their therapy is complete.

To help speed the process and deepen the teachings, patients are asked to do homework between sessions. CBT sessions may take place privately, in one-on-one appointments, or as group therapy.

Benefits of CBT

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is viewed as one of the safest methods for changing negative thought patterns. CBT has been widely studied and proven to help patients:

  • Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Improve insomnia
  • Overcome eating disorders
  • Improve anger management
  • Maintain sobriety and recovery from substance and alcohol use disorders

CBT is essentially a method for recognizing the triggers that lead a person to engage in unhelpful or damaging thoughts or behaviors and learning how to replace those reactions with healthier ones.

Top Five Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

While there are many benefits of cognitive-behavioral therapy, the main benefits for addiction treatment patients are listed below.

1. Identifies the Root Causes

With CBT, patients can learn how to identify the root causes of anxiety, depression, and other triggers that might lead them to relapse. Once they are able to identify triggers, patients can apply the skills they have learned in CBT to adjust their thinking and reactions accordingly.

This leads to greater independence—patients aren’t constantly reliant on therapists to guide them. For those in recovery who must face temptations every day in a number of environments, the ability to self-regulate is crucial to long-term sobriety.

2. Improves Self-Esteem

Many individuals in recovery face challenges with their self-esteem. Traumas and other experiences that may have led to substance use or simply the choices a person made while experiencing addiction may have eroded their self-confidence through the years.

One of the greatest CBT benefits is how it helps patients see themselves and life in general in a more positive light. Improved self-esteem encourages patients to pursue career and educational goals, hobbies, and new relationships that add enjoyment to their lives.

3. Offers Medication-Free Treatment

Many people struggling with alcohol or substance use disorders are also diagnosed with an additional mental health disorder. In some cases, medications are necessary and appropriate. But for those who do not need medications to treat a psychological disorder, CBT offers drug-free therapy without side effects. CBT focuses on natural methods of easing mild mental health symptoms and is safe for everyone.

4. Accepts Short-Term Participation

Some issues related to addiction need a long and thoughtful examination to improve. Others do not. CBT is a short-term method that encourages patients to stay focused on the here and now and take personal responsibility for their decisions.

5. Provides Structure

Structure is something that is missing in the lives of many addiction treatment patients. CBT benefits patients by requiring them to attend structured therapy sessions, complete structured homework assignments, and practice structured exercises designed to help them reform their thinking patterns. Participating in cognitive-behavioral therapy helps patients stay on track with clear goals and deadlines.

Learn More About the Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy at Northpoint Omaha

If you’re still wondering, “What is CBT?” and need to know more, call the helpful team at Northpoint Omaha. We provide comprehensive services, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, to patients who are seeking treatment for substance use disorders. Call Northpoint Omaha today at 888.687.8014 for more information about CBT and all of our programs.